Place born
Organisation / Person

Pledge, Humphrey Thomas

1903 - 1960

Gooding, Hubert Thorn

1903 - 1988

Hackworth Young, Reginald

1905 - 1977

Barr, Peter Joachim

1905 - 1993

Hutton, Effie Lilian

1904 - 1956

Gibson, Reginald Oswald

1902 - 1983

Walker, Percy Brooksbank

1905 - 1980

Johnson, Amy

1903 - 1941

Manning, William Reginald Dermot

1903 - 1984

Orrell, Joseph Harold

1903 - 1988

Gibbs, Frederic Andrew

1903 - 1992

Kadoorie, Horace (CBE)

1902 - 1995

Schwab, Robert S.

1904 - 1972

Calvert, Henry Reginald

1904 - 1992

Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice

1902 - 1984

source; model railway maker

Richards, J P

1902 - 1999

professional engineer, pianist, broadcasting star, writer

Wayne, Arthur

1905 - 1971

orthopaedic surgeon; British; Civilian Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery to the RAF

Watson-Jones, Reginald

1902 - 1972

1905-1993, painter; woodcutter; graphic designer; poster designer, British; English

Knight, Edward Loxton

1905 - 1993

1905-1989, poster artist, active London, England; Hungarian born in former Austro-Hungarian empire

Hofbauer, Imre

1905 - 1989

1902-1960, active 1950s, poster artist, Irish born, active Scotland

Macfarlane, Alasdair

1902 - 1960

1903-1922, 1963-present, railway company and heritage railway, Wales

Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway

1903 - 1922

1902-1964, poster artist, Australian

Trompf, Percival

1902 - 1964

1904-1958, artist; poster artist; writer, British

Bone, Stephen

1904 - 1958

1904-1982, painter; artist; poster artist, British

Wilcox, Leslie Arthur

1904 - 1982

1904-1983, documentary photographer, German born; active UK

Brandt, Bill

1904 - 1983

1902-1974, aviator, American

Lindbergh, Charles Augustus

1902 - 1974

1902-1983, designer; illustrator; poster artist, British

Fraser, Eric George

1902 - 1983

1902-1979, cartoonist; illustrator, Welsh; British

Illingworth, Leslie Gilbert

1902 - 1979

1904-1980; photographer; writer; costume designer; UK

Beaton, Cecil

1904 - 1980

1903-1992, artist, designer, British

Piper, John Egerton Christmas

1903 - 1992

1903-1972, archaeologist; palaeoanthropologist, Kenyan; British

Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett

1903 - 1972

1905-2006, photographer, (Germany) America

Bernhard, Ruth

1905 - 2006

1904-1989, illustrator; artist, English; British

Rowe, Cliff

1904 - 1989

1903-1987, scientist, Canberra, Australia

McGee, James Dwyer

1903 - 1987

1903-1988, active 1930s, poster artist

Lee-Elliott, Theyre

1903 - 1988

1905-1991, physicist, American

Anderson, Carl David

1905 - 1991

active about 1904-1949, manufacturer of pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, London, England

Willows, Francis, Butler and Thompson Ltd

1904 - 1949

1951-1961, lens, camera and film manufacturer, London

Ross-Ensign Ltd

1904 - 1961

1905-1991, photographer, British; English

Tanqueray, Paul

1905 - 1991

1902-1984, artist; painter; poster artist, British; English

Halliday, Edward Irvine

1902 - 1984

1905-1993, medical photographer

Fairfax Fozzard, John Arthur

1905 - 1993

1904-1996, railway employee; model maker, British

Symes, Bernard Cyril

1904 - 1996

1903-1990, scientist, engineer and high-speed photographer, American

Edgerton, Harold Eugene

1903 - 1990

active 1930s-1940s, press photographer, Britain

Tomlin, Harold

1904 - 1964

1903-1967, biologist, researcher, American

Pincus, Gregory Goodwin

1903 - 1967

1902-1976, artist; painter, British

Monnington, Sir Thomas

1902 - 1976

1902-1983, chemist, British

Gibson, Reginald Oswald

1902 - 1983

1902-1970, poster artist

Lambart, Alfred

1902 - 1970

1904-1973, supplier of wholesale chemicals & drugs, England, British

British Drug Houses Limited

1904 - 1973